When I watch and read educational material about our environment and our interactions with it, it feels like a spinning firecracker is going off inside me with ideas sparking left and right. I feel like I need to change my whole life, become an activist, and tell everyone I know. The wheels of my mind start cranking out ideas and a mental list of things to do and change accumulates faster than I can find a pencil and write it all down. How to implement this and make that work without spending a fortune. It's too much and like a firecracker my energy and enthusiasm soon fizzles. As I peel back the layers of my consumerism, I realize that each improvement I added to my mental tally is imperfect. I cannot live without polluting. I then realized that although I cannot do everything at once, I can start doing something now; and that counts for something. If I continually improve, I will always be getting closer to my destination. I cannot live in a symbiotic relationship with the earth, but I can be a good steward of it.
So I start using reusable grocery bags. I recycle. I change my lightbulbs to compact florescents. Each step I take becomes part of my routine. As each change becomes habit, I find I'm ready to add something else without feeling overwhelmed. It's just one addition. I can do that.
I'm constantly seeing lists of things people can do to help their environment. It seems there's a top 10 of ideas accompanying every advocacy for the environment. I love this. Many of the ideas are the same and I've already checked them off. So I've started off into new territory. Improving in ways that fit into my life and make the biggest impact for me.
I feel like, at this point, I do a pretty good job of conserving energy. I put my tv and computer on a plug strip and turn them off at night. I've changed my bulbs to compact florescent (Which if you haven't done yet you're crazy. Each bulb you change saves you $10/year in electricity costs). I'm currently working on moving away from my dryer and hanging up my laundry more and more.
I've decided the next area in need of change is to move away from chemicals and petroleum.
My first step was to use natural oils in my diaper wipe formula rather than baby oil which is petroleum. Yep, turned out to be cheaper. Next was changing my cleaners. It turns out that vinegar and baking soda are wonderful cleaners as well as cheaper by at least one order of magnitude. I mix vinegar with water in a one to one ratio and put it in a spray bottle. I clean the floors, table and counters with it. If something needs some extra scouring power, use baking soda. As I watch my baby crawl around on the floor, and see my daughter eat off the table, I'm relieved that I know exactly what is between them and the surfaces they interact with. It's healthy and clean. As I changed my cleaner, it made sense to change my detergents (see last post).
The next change I've been wanting to make is to move away from antibacterial soaps. Antibacterial soaps introduce huge quantities of antibacterial agents into the water system and environment. Some people worry that this will lead to more and more resistant bacteria and 'super bugs'. Regardless, antibacterial soaps, with few exceptions, are completely unnecessary. Antibacterial soap works no better than regular soap against bacteria. In addition, some studies have shown that regular soap actually works better than antibacterial soap against viruses. I think that soap dispensers are easier to use than bar soap, and my little girl needs the liquid soap to be able to wash her hands by herself, and my husband prefers the foaming stuff. I discovered that you can use normal liquid soap refill in the foaming soap dispenser if you mix 2/3 soap 1/3 water. There are many ironic pricings at the grocery store. The foaming soap which is diluted regular soap is more expensive than the regular stuff and antibacterial liquid soap is ridiculously cheaper than liquid soap without the antibacterial addition. I've felt like until I was ready to take the huge step of making my own soap from scratch, I'm stuck with the antibacterial stuff. I recently found another small step. Making liquid soap from regular bar soap. Homemade soap would be ideal without the perfumes, colors, and other chemicals, and I feel like eventually I'll get there. In the meantime, I no longer have to use antibacterials and that's something. Here's the link:
Hi Elspeth! It's Lynn (Westbrook), I just found you through April's blog. Anyhow, I like your thoughts and hope you share more. I think we all kinda feel that way - as we adopt one "green" idea and it becomes habit we must look for another to practice.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to hear about your family too and what youre up to. Do you have another non-activist :) blog?